Tree Rootball Stump Grinding


A few weeks ago Just Stumpgrinding were called out to a situation where a big storm had passed through and knocked a gum tree over. As this tree was right next to the front fence it ended up knocking the fence over with it. In the process of the tree falling over it has completely up rooted and pulled the large rootball mass out of the ground. You can see at the base of the trunk all the dirt, soil embedded into the stump and root systems. 

These root balls can be quite heavy and can make a difficult situation for cranes and tow trucks to pick up and remove. With stump grinding we can cut the wood into a very usable mulch product. Over time the mulch breaks down and is great to throw on top of your garden bed.

Using our large kanga stump grinding machine we can easily raise the cutting head which allows us to grind really tall/large root balls.

Give Just Stumpgrinding a call today to help you turn that rootball into a beautiful organic mulch material.