This is a great example of the tree being in the wrong position. Damaging the shed slab and fence (even though it is rotten). If you have a tree that’s not in the perfect position, don’t wait until it causes damage.
Tree Stump Grinder Ramps
We always ensure we carry around tree stump grinder ramps to all of our jobs. The aluminium ramps enable our operator to drive our largest stump grinding machine up over garden beds, upstairs, downstairs, or over trenches. In situations like the above, you can see the ramps have been set up. This easily allowed for the machine to access the …
Tree Stump Grind In Sherwood
Our client needed a tree stump removed in Sherwood. The centre of the tree had rotted out. It was fortunate the tree was removed as it was very weak. The second photo shows the finished product. A nice pile of mulch. This is perfect to use on garden beds.
Attempting To Burn A Tree Stump
Attempting to burn a tree stump? Sure it seems like the easy thing to do. Wood should burn easily right? We received a call from a client who had attempted to remove their tree stump by burning it. It had been slow-burning for a few weeks. Annoying the neighbours with smoke, and annoying his partner with smokey washing on the …
Brisbane Tree Stump with Perspective
When quoting stumps from photos we need perspective. Place an item on the stump or beside the stump so we can get an indication of dimension. Something simple like a shoe, garden rake or brick. Also what affects tree stump grinding pricing the most is access. The larger the stump grinding machine we can get to the stump the …
Tree Stump Next To Parked Car
Having a tree stump next to a parked car is a risk not willing to take when it comes to stump grinding. Safety is a very important priority for us when stump grinding. We do carry around protective barriers to all our jobs. However, this car is parked right next to the stump. So we would need to ensure it …
Difficult Access Stump In Concrete Wall
We received a call to grind a tree stump in the side of a concrete wall. Showing a great example of a tree stump in a difficult location. Due to the stump being on its side halfway up the cement wall. We were able to wheel our small machine up the wall to complete the grinding work.
Small Portable Stump Grinder
Our small portable stump grinder enables us to get to those difficult to reach areas. Due to the weight of this machine, we are able to use in delicate areas. This ensures no damage is carried out to any surrounding tiles or surface areas. This small machine allows the operator more control and accuracy to ensure we are completing the grind efficiently …